As a thank you for joining the unSeminary team here are some links to some free resources. Sign up for our weekly newsletter to get even more free stuff all the time!

90-Day Tithe Challenge // Follow Up Emails

When we rolled out our 90 Day Tithe Challenge we saw a 16% increase in giving … during the summer time! The impact it had on our budget was profound … but the stories of life change were an even bigger deal! These emails were a core part of our strategy … following up with the people who indicated they wanted to be a part of the campaign. 6 Questions to Ask Before Your Church Does a 90-Day Tithe Challenge

[Weekly emails for 90-Day Tithe Challenge // .DOCX]

72 Sample Job Descriptions

Want to deep dive into a bunch of different job descriptions from churches from across North America? Download this file and get an inside look at how churches write compelling job descriptions that push the mission forward!

[Click here to down the 11 MB .ZIP File]

First Time Guest Gifts // High Res Photos

small_giftimageGet an up close look at the first time guest gifts given by the 8 churches listed in this post. Each church’s gifts are photographed in multiple iterations to give you a detailed look at what they give to their people.

[Click here to down the 164 MB .ZIP File]

Worship Background Videos

worship_background_videos_box_smallDownload this pack of 10 curated worship background videos hand selected to make an impact during your services. These videos are perfect for running behind lyrics during the music in your services or as an aid when you’re doing the announcements.

You could use this videos with a program like ProPresenter or MediaShout to show during the service or bring them into a video editor for a post production piece.


[Click here to download the 450 MB .ZIP File]

Other “Holy” Days Celebration Ideas from 80 Churches Across North America.

The_Other__Holy_Days__01 Smaller

Throughout the Christian calendar, there are days that it seems like the community is more likely to accept an invitation to come to church. For our church, it’s Christmas and Easter … but what about those “other” holy days? You know … the one’s that our culture (and greeting card companies) have made super important for people to celebrate. Does your church do something special for Moms on Mother’s Day? Do you serve bacon ice cream Sundaes on Father’s Day? We surveyed 80 churches from across the country and asked them to rate how “big of a deal” they make these sorts of days. We also ask them to give us some ideas of what they do to celebrate these days. We compiled all these findings into this ebook that gives you a glimpse into some ideas that you might apply at your church!

[Click here to download this PDF.]


Systems // Documents and Forms // Having the support materials that reinforce your systems is critical.  Download these free forms from our friends over at  These forms can be easily edited and customized to suit your needs . . . like all the forms they have!  [Social Media Guidelines] [Church Health Report] [Welcome Guidelines]

SOCIAL MEDIA // Real World Social Media Ministry Training Materials
Liquid Church’s Social Media How-To Guide [PDF Download]
Granger Community Social Media Strategy [PDF Download] and Team Guidelines [.DOC Download]

HR // Motivation Study // Check out this fascinating study on what motivates people more towards action . . . defining how far we have to go towards the goal or how far we’ve already come.  [Read the study now.]

HR // Emerging Leaders Study // Are you looking for a thought provoking resource to stir conversation on how your church is developing the next generation?  Read this study from AMEX on working with multiple generations. [Download and pass around now!]

HR // The Power of Full Engagement Summary // Managing Energy, Not Time, is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal. This summary is brought us by  A great resource to kick start conversation with your team about how we spend our energy . . . not just our team!  [Summary]  [Nutshell Summary]

HR // What Matters Now // Ebook by Seth Godin that includes 70 top thinkers with ideas to spark your leadership.  Print cost: $12.95  Download here: [Free]

HR // MBTI Excel Spreadsheet Test [Download] Developing a common leadership language to help your team understand each other is important.  There are a number of “personality type indicators” around.  When I was in college one of my profs was a big Myers Briggs fan . . . so I’ve always had a soft spot for it!  I’ve attached an easy to use MBTI question matrix . . . it’s proven pretty true to the more expensive MBTI’s tests over the years. Here are some links for helping your people understand the results that come back from the test: [MBTI Foundation] [Wikipedia] [TypeLogic]

HR // Time (& Life!) Management // This 45 page eBook is an amazing resource to provide to your staff to help them get their heads around managing their time.  Written by Lee Cockerell who served as the Executive Vice President at Walt Disney World . . . he had 40,000 team members on his team!  Lee taught this content to 1,000’s of people and charged $1000’s today to do the same for organizations.  Über Valuable!  [Download this eBook.]

Donor Development // The Giving Talk // What happens around your offering on a Sunday?  Those 60-120 seconds are make or break for your people . . . and your offering.  This eBook from is essential reading in my mind.  [Click here to download this eBook.]

We’re adding new stuff throughout the year . . . drop back in and see!


  1. Thank you this is an awesome resource. You have a gold mine here! Thank you for your time and commitment!!

  2. Thank you so much! I feel like a kid @ Christmas. So much great stuff; don’t know what to open first. These resources will help our church tremendously.

  3. Hey Rich,

    I loved your article today on the “8 Effective Ways to Follow Up With Guests at Your Church”! We at Church Community Builder really resignate with your ideas. In fact we had a case study done on Assimilation that we offer on our website that has some of the same ideas.

    I have been a pastor for over 25 years and assimilating guests effectively has always been a challenge. I think this is an area we need to continue to dialogue about how we can do it better!

    I’ve enjoyed reading your posts! Great stuff!



    1. Thanks Andrew for dropping by! I love what CCB is doing to help churches go further, faster!

      Would you be up for providing a link to that study? I’m sure the unSeminary community would love to see it.

      Thanks in advance!

      – Rich

  4. Is there a way to save the mp3’s? All it does on my computer is start playing when I click on the “Download ___ here” link. Thanks!

  5. Rich – this is an absolute freakin’ gold mine!
    After 34 years serving Christ in ministry as youth pastor, teaching pastor and missions pastor I began my first stint as a lead pastor in July. I’ve been a student of leadership for over 20 years. I literally felt my mouth filling with saliva as I went through, viewed and downloaded these incredible gifts you have so graciously shared.
    Thanks bro! If I can ever do anything for you please let me know. I’m your servant.
    God bless you richly,

  6. FYI – the search button on your web page does not work. At first, I thought it may be something that would be fixed. However, I have come back to your web page to see if it works and it does not. I wanted to search for certain podcasts to get your written article for each one, but have not been able to use it. In many podcasts, you reference getting the show notes for further information, but I do not see a way to get to a certain podcast.

  7. Do you have any information on a fair and reasonable
    approach to allocating costs of a new church building. That would be for allocating to internal church programs as well as those designed for external church programs of assistance to the community.

    Thank you!

  8. I am so grateful coming across this site.
    i just finished reading ” Church growth Flywheel” and was directed to these tremendous free resources site. I am from Nigeria, the fare core north of the nation.
    I want to say a big Thank you, for your generosity.
    These to me are deep and great materials for me and the church that I pastored.

    Thank you.

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