Today marks the release of the Leadership Newtork / Generis Multisite Scorecard. This is a fascinating study that attempts to define the multisite church movement. Once again Warren Bird does an amazing job pulling together data and interpreting it so we can understand what is happening around us. As I read through the report I was struck by a number of learnings that I think every church can apply from the example of the churches in the study.
“Multisite churches grow faster, have more lay participation and reach more new believers than single-site churches.” – Leadership Network / Generis Multisite Scorecard.Regardless if your church is multisite or not … I think this report points to a number of facts about these types of churches that we all need to emulate to reach more people in our communities. Get the report and read it … you’ll see it describes a healthy and growing movement of churches that are making a huge impact on the communities they reside in.
87% of campus pastors are found internally – trained and hired from within the church.
- Campus Pastors are a critical to the success of a growing multisite. It’s striking to me that the vast majority of these team members come from within the church. When you think about adding new staff to your church do you first consider who is already a part of your church or do you look to bring in some outside hired help?
- 88% of multisite churches report the going multisite increased the role of lay participation.
- I’ve seen from the inside of so many multisite churches … it’s an engine for mobilizing masses of volunteers to get involved in the mission of the church. If you aren’t going to go multisite you need to find a way to mobilize masses of people into action. The question that growing churches ask isn’t “how do we get this done with as few people as possible?” … but they consistently ask “how do we mobilize more people into action? how do we create more spaces for more volunteers?”
- 68% of multisite churches stated they have a formal leadership development process.
- At it’s core it would appear that thriving multisite churches are leadership development machines … they are able to find more volunteers and staff to lead their ever expanding ministries. Critical to this process is the ability to develop leaders. How is your church tackling the leadership development process? Is it written down? Does it have a leader and a budget? It’s going to be need to formal to meet the need of reaching your community.
- New campuses do better at reaching the unchurched.
- There is a bunch data in this study that talks about how new campuses do a better job of reaching people far from God than existing campuses. One of the advantages of multisite churches is they are both “new” and “old” at the same time. Able to gain the excitement and momentum of a new location while learning from the experience of campuses that have been around for a while. What “new” are you doing at your church? How are you leveraging what you’ve learned but putting into a “new vessel” to make greater impact? How are repeating and improving on what you’ve done in a way the helps you become more effective?
- 47% of multisite churches have a campus in a small town or rural area.
- The modern church growth movement focused a lot on suburban areas. Those areas saw huge growth in the second half of the 20th century when at the same time churches were planting and growing in the suburbs. However, there are still 60 million people in the United States that live in rural areas. [ref] I’m encouraged to see these churches looking for creative ways to reach out into these contexts. How can your church reach out to the rural communities in your part of the world?
Get the FREE three-part video series designed to help your church launch more multisite campuses.
Is your church thinking about launching new multisite campuses? Have you already launched a campus or two but are stuck getting the next locations launched? Are you ready to take the next steps in your multisite expansion but aren’t sure where to start? I’m releasing a FREE three-part video series designed to help your church reach more people through multisite church expansion. The lessons in this series come from my practical experience being in the driver’s seat for 13 launches and from helping many other churches like yours! Here is what we’ll be covering in the free video series:- Video #1: The Biggest Mistake Churches Make When Launching Campuses. Build an approach to launching locations that avoids this mistake, and your church will scale up to reach more people!
- Video #2: Keys to Picking a Great Location for Your Next Campus. Apply the lessons in this video and you’ll find effective locations that will aid your church’s growth for years to come!
- Video #3: 5 Dirty Secrets of the Multisite Church Movement. Finally, get an insider’s look at the underbelly of this movement to better inform your leadership as you move forward!
[…] Five Facts About Multisite Churches That Should Impact All Churches. (via @RichBirch) None of these findings are particularly surprising, but they’re all a good reminder for all of us. How do our churches measure up on the metrics? […]
[…] Multisite churches reach more unchurched people, raise up more volunteers and release more leaders than any other type of church today. [ref] […]
[…] churches surveyed found increased volunteer participation with the launch of new campuses. [ref] There was a need … and they had to fill it. More leaders were released and the churches […]
[…] 87% of campus pastors come from within the church. [ref] […]
[…] Eighty-seven percent of campus pastors come from within the church. [ref] […]
[…] church that is launching the campuses. In fact, 87 percent of campus pastors are found internally. [ref] This means you should get busy considering that fact that your next campus pastor is most likely […]
[…] According to Leadership Network, 57 percent of all multisite churches don’t get beyond two locations. [ref] […]
[…] fact, 87% of campus pastors are found internally. [ref] This means you should get busy considering the fact that your next campus pastor is most likely […]