

3 Ways Disney is Improving that Your Church Can Learn From

The Walt Disney Company continues to be an organization that churches should learn from. Obviously, our "core business" in the local church is totally different but there are many similarities in what we're attempting to do and what Disney does: We're both attempting to keep people engaged with "life span"...

20+ Small Group Social Media Graphics for FREE

Prevailing churches make a consistent and focused effort to get people out of their weekend services and into some sort of "small group" experience. In fact, it's difficult to find a growing church that doesn't have a strong emphasis on its group culture. Over the years on the unSeminary podcast, we've...

5 FREE Training PDFs & MP3s for Church Leaders

Prevailing churches always look for ways to grow their leaders. Although training often takes the form of traveling to conferences or visiting other churches, we also need to take advantage of smaller moments to push our team to think differently and grow. This can be as simple as giving your team...

9 Elements of Effective Creative Brainstorming Meetings

We're honored to have Ben Stapley guest posting for us today. He is the executive pastor at The Life Christian Church — and he's a fantastic, multi-talented leader! Ben provides oversight and leadership for a wide variety of areas at his church. The creative process can feel like capturing lightning in...
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