

Lane Sebring on Elements of Killer Sermons

  Hey, everybody, and welcome to the unSeminary podcast. This week’s guest is Lane Sebring of the website and author of the new book Preaching Killer Sermons. Coming out of seminary, Lane saw that much of the focus was on having a biblically accurate sermon about the life and teachings of...

25 Tips for Capturing Engaging Video Interviews

We're honored to have Ben Stapley guest posting for us today. He is the Executive Pastor at The Life Christian Church — and he's a fantastic, multi-talented leader! Ben provides oversight and leadership for a wide variety of areas at his church. Many churches use video testimonies in their services to...

5 Large Churches Who Defy The “Evangelical” Label

It's presidential election season again and the conversation on cable news is about what will happen to the "evangelical vote." This conversation drives me crazy! "Evangelicals" have been my tribe for the majority of my ministry career. It's the group that I call family — not a demographic. The nuance...

5 Graphic Design Tasks Churches Should Outsource

How your church presents itself visually is incredibly important. People are increasingly visual learners, so your church needs to ensure it presents a compelling visual aesthetic in everything you do. Even if you have a graphic designer on your staff, the increased visual needs can be difficult to keep up...
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