

8 Things Church Leaders Should Stop Saying to Graphic Designers

Our culture is placing increasing value on the look of our church materials. Many church leaders work with graphic designers to ensure that the visual aspects of their ministries are compelling. I've made some bone-headed comments to designers over the years and seen the consequences in the work that they then...

9 Lessons from charity: water for Church Design & Communications

charity: water is a non-profit organization that provides clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. The organization was founded in 2006 and has helped fund 13,641 projects in 22 countries, benefiting over 4.6 million people. As of December 8, 2014, it has raised over $155 million. If you've been a part of the unSeminary...

7 Tools for Researching Rental Church Facilities

Is your church launching a new campus? Or are you moving from one rental facility to another? At some point in your church's journey, you're going to be looking at new sites. Here are some tips for what to bring along when you visit potential locations: Smartphone Camera // You can't take...
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