

6 Questions to Ask Before Your Church Does a 90-Day Tithe Challenge

We've just come out of a 90-Day Tithe Challenge at my church and it had a profound impact on our financial picture. We were going through a series on Malachi in June and it seemed like a perfect fit with the third part of the series. For those who don't know, a...

9 Rules for Church Response Cards (& 4 Samples!)

Churches that make an impact move people to action. They take people from thinking about the mission to engaging with it. Response cards are a core tool to help churches elicit feedback. Here are some tips for creating response cards that boost responses! Get 'em in their seats! During the service you have a...

12 Hashtags Church Leaders Should Follow Today

Hashtags are a way for people to self-organize on social media networks. Tagging your content makes it easier for other people to find it, even if they aren't directly connected to you. Conversely, it helps you find other people or organizations that are talking about similar topics. There are at...

8 Insights from Seth Godin for Church Leaders

Last week I had the incredible opportunity to attend the Business Gets Personal event in NYC featuring Seth Godin, Gary Vaynerchuk and Dave Ramsey. I was the guest of Bryan Miles from eaHELP ... they help leaders like you by providing North American based Executive Virtual Assistants that you can delegate tasks to,...
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