
communicationsmultisitepersonal productivitypodcast

Josh Whitehead on Leading from the Second Chair

  We’re happy to be back and talking today with Josh Whitehead from Faith Promise Church in Knoxville, TN. Faith Promise has been around for 20 years and started in Oak Ridge, TN, without a pastor. The original group wanted to impact the unchurched in their community by being a different...

Greg Atkinson on Innovation from a Biblical Perspective

Subscribe to the unSeminary Podcast: //    Greg Atkinson is an author, pastor, blogger and all around great guy! This is his second appearance on the unSeminary podcast and we're excited to have him today. Today he's talking about what innovation looks like from a biblical perspective and the role it should...

Richard Clark talks about Christ and Pop Culture.

Subscribe to the unSeminary Podcast: //    Richard Clark is the Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Christ and Pop Culture.  He lives with his wife in Louisville, KY and has a MA in Theology and the Arts from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. On this episode Richard explores how Church Leaders should interact with...
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