

Increasing the Impact of the Serving Experience on Volunteers with Rachel Long

Welcome back to another episode of the unSeminary podcast. Today we have Rachel Long back on the podcast. She's one of the executive pastors at Emmanuel Church, a multisite church in Indiana. Today Rachel is talking with us about building healthy volunteer teams within our churches. Take a step back...

5 Leadership Hedges Against Inflation for Your Church

Just when you thought the word “unprecedented” couldn’t possibly be used any more, we continue to climb into levels of inflation that haven't been seen in over four decades. In fact, the last time we saw inflation this high, the world was a completely different place. Bread had soared to...

Rebuilding a Team Culture That Was Broken with Jesse DeYoung

Thanks for tuning into the unSeminary podcast. We’re talking with Jesse DeYoung, the executive lead pastor at Flatirons Community Church in Boulder, Colorado. Jesse is talking with us today about how Flatirons Church worked through a difficult season of ministry, addressed their broken team culture, and witnessed God's redemption among...
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