

10 Questions Church Leaders Should Be Asking (But Probably Aren’t)

Questions have a curious function in the life of a leader. A good question can often propel us forward more than a great answer. Our roles in leading our churches requires us to not only work in our ministry but to also take a step back and work on our...

Leading Major Change in Your Church with Dr. Jeff Iorg

Welcome back to another episode of the unSeminary podcast. I’m excited to have Dr. Jeff Iorg, president of Gateway Seminary with us today. Gateway Seminary started classes in 1944 with the long time dream of a theological institute to train men and women for ministry in California. By 1959 it had...

Brian Dodd on Leadership, Pastors Blogging & More

Welcome back, friends, for a unique conversation today with Brian Dodd, author at the Brian Dodd on Leadership blog and Director of New Ministry Partnerships at INJOY Leadership Solutions. Brian is with us today to talk about leadership and leader development and how he used his research of both to...

4 Experiments to Run this Summer to Help Your Church This Fall

Church leaders in prevailing churches think of themselves more like scientists testing theories than bakers applying a prescribed recipe. Rather than looking for the “perfect” strategy for your church, it’s better to consider your practices as a series of experiments and then watch the results. While it’s important to learn...
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