

Is it possible to train robots to do pastoral care?

I recently finished reading Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler's book Bold, which is all about looking at areas of exponential change in the culture around us and leveraging those opportunities. It is a great read for leaders looking to expand their thinking about the future. One part of the conversation is recent...

Is “Multisite Church” the Last Good Idea?

Blockbuster video was amazing in its prime. Just 10 years ago, they had 9,000 locations and over 60,000 employees. It made renting a movie "simple and convenient" because they had so many locations. We only had to drive across town to access hundreds of movies from a wide variety of...

Is it time for a new worship war?

The first church I served at was in the middle of a worship war when I started there. It was like a cold war with a lot of passive-aggressive leadership on both sides of the debate. The "Hymns & Organ Crowd" declared that their music was rich with theological significance, whereas the...

Tim Cool on Counting the Real Cost of Church Buildings

  This week on the unSeminary Podcast, Tim Cool with Cool Solutions joined me for a tremendously informative and enlightening conversation about stewarding the facilities God has entrusted to us. Tim is the father of 18-year-old triplets who are in their last quarter of high school, almost ready to take...
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