Home Meetings are Critical to Your Multisite Launch.
At some point during the launch of your next multisite campus you need to get people into a room and ask them to join the team of people looking to help launch out the campus. What’s the best way to do that ask? Sunday morning? A mass rally with all the new people? Just wait until launch weekend? One on one meetings? Direct mail? Smoke signals?
I am convinced that the best way to do this is in asking your people to attend of a series of “home meetings” in the communities surrounding the new campus. These events allow people to meet the new campus leadership team, learn about how they can get involved, have their questions answered and to hopefully have some fun along the way!
We just finished a round of these meetings at Liquid Church for the launch of our next campus. This week I’m going to be talking about some of the things that I’ve learned over the years of hosting these sorts of events. Here is a peak at an infographic we shared with our staff team today to give them a sense of the “results” of this latest round. (We call them “House Parties” at Liquid . . . it’s gotta be fun! Right?)
Some quick anaylsis of what these numbers mean for us:

- In my experience somewhere around 90% of people who attend meetings like will end up serving at the new campus. We’re very please that out of these events we should end up at about 180 volunteers! We’ve been praying for 225 but we are well on our way towards that goal!
- A benchmark I’ve talked about a bunch has been that in a new campus 2/3rds of the volunteers should be new volunteers. This is a good balance of “people with experience” and “new team members” to shoot for. Excited to see that this trend appears to be holding firm at this point for our next campus.
- Morristown is our “original” campus at Liquid. This will be the first campus that will not primarily draw on that location. It’s fun to see a “grandchild” campus sproating up at Liquid!
Have you used a home meetings strategy for the launch of your campuses? What have you learned through this process? [I’d love to hear your thoughts!]
Get the FREE three-part video series designed to help your church launch more multisite campuses.
Is your church thinking about launching new multisite campuses? Have you already launched a campus or two but are stuck getting the next locations launched? Are you ready to take the next steps in your multisite expansion but aren’t sure where to start? I’m releasing a FREE three-part video series designed to help your church reach more people through multisite church expansion. The lessons in this series come from my practical experience being in the driver’s seat for 13 launches and from helping many other churches like yours! Here is what we’ll be covering in the free video series:- Video #1: The Biggest Mistake Churches Make When Launching Campuses. Build an approach to launching locations that avoids this mistake, and your church will scale up to reach more people!
- Video #2: Keys to Picking a Great Location for Your Next Campus. Apply the lessons in this video and you’ll find effective locations that will aid your church’s growth for years to come!
- Video #3: 5 Dirty Secrets of the Multisite Church Movement. Finally, get an insider’s look at the underbelly of this movement to better inform your leadership as you move forward!
Great post. I’m in the process of developing small groups in advance of our 3rd site launch. The connections we’ve developed since we’ve launched our first group have been solid. This Fall I’d like us to multiply, and then add another altogether new group as well.
Thanks for the encouragement about using the home setting as the platform for communication. It’s a great idea.