

Yes, Now Is the Perfect Time to Launch A New Campus for Your Church

Campus expansion is the most effective way to both reach new people and release new leaders. For over two decades, the multisite church movement has helped churches expand their mission, extend their reach, and care for more people than they’d have been able to if they stayed in one location....

Lead with What Your Church CAN DO with Chris Bell

Welcome back to the unSeminary podcast. Today we’re talking with Chris Bell, from 3Circle Church in the Mobile, Alabama area. When the pandemic started, all we heard about was new restrictions and what we couldn't do. Chris was immediately challenged to focus on what the church CAN do each day....

5 Reopening Phase Opportunities for Multisite Churches

The multisite church movement is the most pervasive innovation in the local church in the last 20 years. Yes, even more impactful than the current shift to digital. Across the country, this movement has generated tens of thousands of new connections between local churches and those living in the communities...
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