Rich Birch

Rich Birch

Rich Birch is one of the early multi-site church pioneers in North America. He led the charge in helping The Meeting House in Toronto to become the leading multi-site church in Canada with over 5,000+ people in 18 locations. In addition, he served on the leadership team of Connexus Church in Ontario, a North Point Community Church Strategic Partner. He has also been a part of the lead team at Liquid Church - a 5 location multisite church serving the Manhattan facing suburbs of New Jersey. Liquid is known for it’s innovative approach to outreach and community impact. Rich is passionate about helping churches reach more people, more quickly through excellent execution.His latest book Church Growth Flywheel: 5 Practical Systems to Drive Growth at Your Church is an Amazon bestseller and is design to help your church reach more people in your community.

Jordan Schiller from Real Thread Talks About T-Shirts as Ministry Tools

Subscribe to the unSeminary Podcast: //    Jordan Schiller is a part of the leadership team at Real Thread. This is fantastic conversation as we chat about how t-shirts can be a ministry tool. Real Thread produces hundreds of thousands of shirts every year and in this conversation we dive into what...
personal productivity

4 Great Books for Church Leaders and Their Teams

Are you thinking about your leadership development for next year? Perhaps you're looking for a book to give to your team for Christmas? Here are four books that I've read and consider great options for pastors and church leaders to use with their teams: The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses,...

5 Walt Disney World Innovations to Apply at Your Church

Over the years, I've had the privilege of taking a bunch of family vacations at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. I love it ... partly because it's such a fun place to visit and partly because I find leadership lessons everywhere I look. My family recently spent a week at WDW...

17 Ridiculous Stock Images of Church Leaders

unSeminary is all about providing helpful resources for pastors, ministers and church leaders. Today we're going to take a break and just have a little fun. Check out these totally crazy stock images that try to capture what it's like to be in ministry! NOTE: We can't help ourselves from...

Greg Atkinson on Innovation from a Biblical Perspective

Subscribe to the unSeminary Podcast: //    Greg Atkinson is an author, pastor, blogger and all around great guy! This is his second appearance on the unSeminary podcast and we're excited to have him today. Today he's talking about what innovation looks like from a biblical perspective and the role it should...
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