

Bobby Williams on Leveraging Email to Follow Up with First Time Guests [replay]

  Today's podcast is a replay of one of our very first episodes because I think it's important for leaders to wrestle with what this leader has to say. We're launching a brand new course in unSeminary Premium called Email 201 ... it's all about leveraging email as a marketing...

6 Ways to Derail Your Church Announcements

Announcements are a great tool for moving people to action. However, it can be difficult to keep them fresh and creative every weekend. Even worse, the people who do them can get lazy and some bad habits sneak in that undermine their effectiveness. Here are some of the habits I've seen...

4 Ways Your Church Can Leverage User-Generated Content

User-generated content has become the "next frontier" in digital marketing circles. Check out some of these impressive stats from Ipsos MediaCT's report on social influence: Avid social media users consume five hours of user-generated content every day! 30% of millennials' media time is spent with content created and curated by...

Next Generation Generosity

Subscribe to the unSeminary Podcast: //    Today's conversation is with three leaders who work to help churches like yours and mine in the whole area of generosity and systems. We discuss a brand new report that that explores the relationship between donor behavior and new technologies like mobile giving and online...
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