

Wage a war on chaos in your church communications!

This week we're exploring some communications trends that I think are affecting your communications efforts at your church . . . whether you acknowledge them or not! "People think it's this veneer -- that the designers are handed this box and told, 'Make it look good!' That's not what we think...

Free Stuff // Blogs I read . . . and you should too!

It's FREE STUFF week on the Killer  Church blog!  My goal is that this blog is always a place to get great help  and inspiration to help your church reach more people faster.   This week I'm bringing you some free resources that you can plug into your ministry today! Today I wanted to...

Free Stuff // Staff Development

It's FREE STUFF week on the Killer  Church blog!  My goal is that this blog is always a place to get great help  and inspiration to help your church reach more people faster.   This week I'm bringing you some free resources that you can plug into your ministry today! The Next "7 Habits"...
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