

5 Lessons to Learn From Large Canadian Churches

Leadership Network has once again released a study that church leaders should consume to understand the dynamics of leading today. This study is all on large Canadian churches and what we learn from them. It points out things these churches have done well, which caused them to grow and reach a younger...
multisitepersonal productivity

3 Tools Every Campus Pastor Needs

Core to every approach to multisite church are campus pastors. There are thousands of these local pastoral leaders enabling churches to reach more people faster than any other approach to church growth today. They are my heroes! I've had the privilege to see dozens of them up close over the last...

4 Mindsets Holding Back Your Multisite Church Multiplication

The vast majority of multisite churches don't get beyond 3 locations. According to Leadership Network's study of multisite churches, 85% have 3 or fewer total locations. Why do so many get stuck at this number? What's holding them back from fully leveraging this approach to ministry? I believe part of...

Is “Multisite Church” the Last Good Idea?

Blockbuster video was amazing in its prime. Just 10 years ago, they had 9,000 locations and over 60,000 employees. It made renting a movie "simple and convenient" because they had so many locations. We only had to drive across town to access hundreds of movies from a wide variety of...

5 Reasons Your Church Shouldn’t Go Multisite

The multisite revolution is the biggest thing to happen to the broader church movement in my almost 20 years of ministry. I've personally been involved in the launch of 12 campuses—working on 2 more as we speak!—and I've coached a bunch of other leaders through the process. I've written a lot...
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