

Digging New Wells & Results Oriented Ministry at Your Church with David Kinnan

Welcome back to this week’s episode of the unSeminary podcast. Today we have David Kinnan, who is the lead pastor of Fountain Springs Church which is a fantastic church in a part of the country where churches don’t normally grow. Fountain Springs Church is in Rapid City, South Dakota. It...

Hospitable Leadership at Your Church with Terry A. Smith

Today we’re talking leadership and Biblical hospitality with Jersey’s own Terry A. Smith. God has done some incredible things in Terry’s church over the years. Terry A. Smith is the Lead Pastor of The Life Christian Church (TLCC) in West Orange and Paramus, New Jersey. Over the past 27 years, TLCC...

Help Activating Guys In Your Church with Regi Campbell

Welcome to this week’s unSeminary podcast. This week we’re sitting down with Regi Campbell, founder of Radical Mentoring, an organization that equips and engages men and their churches to raise up the next generation of all-in-Jesus-followers and leaders.  Grab a seat and a cuppa while we talk about providing men...
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