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Church is fun. Right?

If the core message of the church is “good news” … then we should be a pretty fun bunch right?

We have a message that literally sets people free to live the life God desires … so people should feel freedom when they experience our environments!

A relationship with Jesus generates joy that’s not just some “happy clappy” feelings … our community should describe our church as a place that emanates with elation.

Fun is a strategic imperative for the church today. Gospel oriented churches need to be the sort of place where joy, goodness and fun abound. When people interact with us they should walk away with a smile on their face. Too often it’s easy for churches to feel so angry about the love of God or so depressed about the amazing work Jesus is doing in us. As a leader in your church you need to concern yourself with how fun it is to be a part of. Here are some questions diagnose the “fun index” of your church:

  • When was the last time you made fun of yourself in front of your church? (Do you take yourself too seriously?)
  • Have you planned a time in the last 3 months in your services where people would be surprised with delight?
  • When your team gets together do you laugh and play together?
  • Bonus: If this blog post really bugs you … why?



  1. A church service should absolutely be joy-filled; we are worshiping the One who saved us from our SINS after all. A pretty awesome (in the full meaning of the word) sacrifice. However, I would hesitate to use the word “fun” to describe the proper experience of a church service. We are to be reverent as we come to worship the Holy God. Experiencing joy through music and the sermon is natural and God delights in it when His children have joy in His house, but we must be very careful that we don’t bring God down to our level by striving to make church services more fun. He is the sovereign, omnipotent, merciful and gracious God – a loving Father, and we go to church to praise, honour, glorify, and gain greater understanding of Him – not to be entertained for an hour once a week.

    1. Sarah!

      Thanks so much for dropping by and commenting … I agree that we need to present a broader picture of Jesus than just “fun & games”.

      My contention is that we have confused obedience and reverence with gloominess and depression.

      Love that you took the time to weigh in! All of God’s best for you in 2013!


  2. It would seem to me that the world has confused sober minded with sombre attitudes, joy with happy, along with many other biblical concepts of living. I don’t think church should be like a night at the comedy club, but services that are so boring it would put the angels to sleep, I think are not correct either. Let us remember GOD loves a hilarious giver — tithes and time. Also, JESUS, himself used the comedy of the day to drive home the point HE was making. How people should really feel at church is LOVED and FREE to be who GOD called them to be. So if GOD has blessed you with a sense of humor – use to edify the congregation.

    1. Great comments! Thanks.

      Only funny people should try to be funny … that’s like preachers shouldn’t sing … and singer shouldn’t preach.


  3. I think that when we are filled with JOY at the awesome gift God offers, fun is definitely part of the culture formed when a gathering expresses itself together.
    I am not sure I would agree that Fun is equal to entertainment.
    A culture that allows freedom and joy IS fun.
    & when from the heart of the worshipper, isn’t entertainment. Entertainment is observation, fun is engagement, and I would consider those to be opposites.
    Is reverence the only offering God desires? how about king David who danced through the streets? How about hearts that rejoice? How about celebrations and worship that are not locked in reverence for our Almighty God, but rejoice in our Father?
    I hesitate to be stricken by my natural inclination to hold back, or hold others back, because it seems irreverent. Irreverence is in the heart…

    How can we lead people in a service that walks through all elements of worship in 90 minutes or less?
    Spent this Sunday morning at a Haitian Church service in Jacmel. It was 3 hours. and I think a bit of fun, and lots of reverence. It did have its ups and downs in the culture tho too. Then Sunday night, at Church on the Beach, primarily ex-pats, missions teams and a few others. super casual, fun but not entertaining. very real, heart oriented. A time of worship and a short message, genuine questions and openness.

    Whenever I am at a church overseas, I am struck by the fun and engaging atmosphere of the church. So often, I longed for that back home. Why is that?
    More often I ask myself… Why is Friday Night Youth church more fun than Sundays? Does playing games together make Youth church irreverent?
    I don’t think so. We worship, study, ask honest questions and enjoy both God’s presence, and the presence of each other. maybe we should restructure Sundays to pursue different values.

    1. Well said … I love your point about the global realities of the church.

      We’ve confused reverence with being gloomy.

      Thanks for chiming in!


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Rich Birch
Rich Birch is one of the early multi-site church pioneers in North America. He led the charge in helping The Meeting House in Toronto to become the leading multi-site church in Canada with over 5,000+ people in 18 locations. In addition, he served on the leadership team of Connexus Church in Ontario, a North Point Community Church Strategic Partner. He has also been a part of the lead team at Liquid Church - a 5 location multisite church serving the Manhattan facing suburbs of New Jersey. Liquid is known for it’s innovative approach to outreach and community impact. Rich is passionate about helping churches reach more people, more quickly through excellent execution.His latest book Church Growth Flywheel: 5 Practical Systems to Drive Growth at Your Church is an Amazon bestseller and is design to help your church reach more people in your community.