

6 Netflix Facts that Church Leaders Need to Consider

1/3 of all "prime time" internet traffic is from Netflix. We can't ignore the popularity of Netflix. It's a mixture of clever marketing, excellent deployment and being in the right place at the right time. In a move similar to what iTunes did in the music industry 10 years ago, Netflix has...

10 Secrets to Supporting Teaching Pastors

As I reflect on my almost 20 years of ministry experience, one of the things that I'm proudest of is serving a handful of amazing communicators. I've played that "second seat" role to support great teaching pastors as they use their gifts and skills to communicate the message of Jesus. Here are some...

3 Spiritual Gift Assessment Tools for Your Church

Recently in the unSeminary Premium private Facebook group, there was a discussion about the best Spiritual Gift Assessment tools for church use. When people serve within their area of gifting rather than just in your area of need, they experience more freedom and joy. Thriving churches focus on releasing people in their...

5 Ways to Promote Your Easter Services for $5

Easter is an amazing opportunity for your church. Two factors align to make it a great time to reach out to your community: People are more likely to invite their friends. Their friends are more likely to say yes! As we approach Easter, we're all looking for simple and easy-to-use...
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