

10 Done-for-you Resources for Pastors to Promote Easter Sunday on Social Media

Easter is almost here! Today we have some done-for-you content that you can plug into your social networks to help you promote your services. 70% of your people use social media regularly ... how can you leverage that channel in these last few hours before Easter Sunday? Facebook Statuses // Some...

7 Things Next Generation Leaders Want From Senior Leaders

Last month I had the privilege of meeting Jake Dudley ... he's a smart, passionate and caring young leader that you need to get to know. He's a part of The Rocket Company team, interns at a thriving Atlanta area church and helps lead a leadership organization helping emerging leaders called The Hive. (Plus...

9 Reasons Every Church Leader Needs to Learn From North Point

North Point Community Church is one of the largest and most influential churches in the country. From my perspective, you need to be to learning from this church regardless of what you think about their theological convictions. Here are some reasons you need to pay attention to North Point: Relentless...

5 Hidden Axioms of Volunteer Management

Effective church leaders are excellent volunteer managers. Managing volunteer teams within your church is a nuanced and mysterious journey. It's not always obvious what it takes to lead them well! Here are 5 truths that I've uncovered, which weren't obvious to me when I started leading in church: Volunteers are...
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