

The One Overlooked Skill That Could Be Holding Back Your Church Financially

The late (and great) Howard Hendricks once asked his seminary class "How much ministry does $100 buy?" He paused and his class considered the question.  He went on to answer "About $100 worth!" As church leaders we need to be thinking about the funding of the mission that God has...

Open Letter to My Youth Pastor Self.

I started my ministry career as a youth pastor. It was a long time ago ... like so long that people were watching Seinfeld and kids were listening to Foo Fighters. Now as a parent of a middle schooler I think back on those days with a certain amount of nostalgia and longing. Today's...

Church is fun. Right?

If the core message of the church is "good news" ... then we should be a pretty fun bunch right? We have a message that literally sets people free to live the life God desires ... so people should feel freedom when they experience our environments! A relationship with Jesus...
personal productivitystrategy

Best Practices for Church Learning Trips

By the time a church has packaged its learning into a conference or a "how to" book, their innovative years of ministry are behind them. Over the years I've become more and more partial to spending a weekend visiting lesser-known churches. I've found these weekends far more valuable for learning than...

Does worship music need to be whiny soft rock?

I'm afraid I'm not uncomfortable enough with worship music. I don't want to fumble the pass of the church to the next generation. In my early ministry years I was a part of a church in the midst of a "worship war".  One side was fired up because they believed that...

10 Part Recipe for a Church Database People Would Actually Use

Quality management of the information about the people that attend your church is mission critical.  Loss data on someone is a loss relationship.  Mismanagement in this area ends up damaging trust with your people.  One of the ways we serve our people is by handling their information with great care. I'm...
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