

Rebuilding a Team Culture That Was Broken with Jesse DeYoung

Thanks for tuning into the unSeminary podcast. We’re talking with Jesse DeYoung, the executive lead pastor at Flatirons Community Church in Boulder, Colorado. Jesse is talking with us today about how Flatirons Church worked through a difficult season of ministry, addressed their broken team culture, and witnessed God's redemption among...

5 Mistakes Churches Make Onboarding New Staff

Hiring is the single most expensive decision that most church leaders will make over the course of their ministry. In many churches, staffing accounts for anywhere between 30 percent and 50 percent of the annual budget. You want to make sure that, as you hire new team members, you invest...

5 Staff Roles Churches of Over 1,000 Should Add Now

In a recent survey, 66% of church leaders said they believe that when church returns, there will be many differences. It would appear that we're headed towards the next normal. You and I are leading in a season that has drastically changed in a very short period of time.  Is...
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