

I was wrong: Kids Singing at Christmas Eve is a Good Idea.

This week we are going to be exploring three simple ways to help connect the ministry we do at church with parents at home.  At Liquid we are attempting to partner more with parents and these are a few of the small things we've done in this area. I have...

The hardest leader to develop: me.

"Leaders aren't born they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal." — Vince Lombardi We have to do a better job at our church in developing leaders. This week's posts...

Lessons Learned in Online Giving

Details make me smile.  This week we are looking some small details in our new website we're launching at Liquid.  I was reminded by Seth Godin last month that good user experience is important on our websites! I'd love your feedback as we roll out our new site! At the...

Experts Can Be Wrong. You Can Be Right.

Our culture loves experts. "A survey of leading experts in the field indicates . . . "  We hear that sort of thing all the time. But you know and I know that experts can be wrong. I'd love to hear a time that you swerved from the pack and...

Fancy Ketchup and Church Marketing

This week we are talking about stuff that I really have no idea about. I'm hopeing to learn from you . . . join the conversation. Over the Christmas holidays we ended up in a McDonald's.  I noticed something slightly odd that I don't think I've noticed in the past...

Leno and Church Leadership Succession

Today's post is going to be part of series called "Stuff I have no idea about".  It's really a collection of questions and concerns that I have for church leadership stuff that I don't have any answers . . . just questions.  I would love your thoughts and input. Did...

Small Churches and Money

This week we've been talking about about small is better. What about money in small churches? There is a better sense of where the money is being spent in small churches.  As people committed to the church there aren't a lot of places for weird line items to hide.  You...

“Worship” is better in smaller churches.

Church is better small . . . right?  That's what we're talking about this week. Thanks for the folks joining in the conversation through the comments! I hope I'm not stepping on a landmine here.  But the worship "activity" that seem to be stressed as the most important in the...
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