

Free Stuff // Staff Development

It's FREE STUFF week on the Killer  Church blog!  My goal is that this blog is always a place to get great help  and inspiration to help your church reach more people faster.   This week I'm bringing you some free resources that you can plug into your ministry today! The Next "7 Habits"...

Free Stuff // Volunteer Culture

It's FREE STUFF week on the Killer  Church blog!  My goal is that this blog is always a place to get great help  and inspiration to help your church reach more people faster.   This week I'm bringing you some free resources that you can plug into your ministry today! Becoming a Volunteer...

Summer Serve // Surprise and Delight!

Many churches across the country have discovered that summer time is a perfect time for getting people plugged into community through service. This week we're exploring what a "Summer Serve Campaign" could look like in your church So you've got hundreds of new volunteers signed up ready to serve . ....

Summer Serve // A Chance to Get People Connected!

Churches across the country have discovered that summer is the perfect time for getting people plugged into the community through service. What could a Summer Serve Campaign look like in your church? Keeping a church running on the same schedule 52 weeks a year is difficult to do. People's lives...

What if we made discipleship a game?

I want this blog to focus on helping church leaders execute with excellence.  I try to focus on practical ideas, tips and tools to make the life of church leadership easier.  This week I'm diverting from my normal approach and talking about three ideas that I don't think any church is doing . . ....

What if churches had “seasons” not “series”?

I want this blog to focus on helping church leaders execute with excellence.  I try to focus on practical ideas, tips and tools to make the life of church leadership easier.  This week I'm diverting from my normal approach and talking about three ideas that I don't think any church...

The hardest leader to develop: me.

"Leaders aren't born they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal." — Vince Lombardi We have to do a better job at our church in developing leaders. This week's posts...
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